
1787 Charles Pye's Directory

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Only High Street at the moment......

1: Jeremiah Wright - baker and confectioner
2: John Austin - grocer and chandler
3: Thomas Baskerville - shoe maker
4: Thomas Deakin - cabinet maker & upholsterer
5: Carless and Wyatt - linen & woollen drapers
6: William Crane - grocer
7: John Petit - toy shop
8: Nathaniel Sprotson - hatter and hosier (ST) (m.29.4.1764, StPh, Ann Harris+ch) 
10: Joseph Taylor - mercer and draper
12: John Dand - salesman
13: Henry Bunny - basket maker (ST) (m.14.4.1743,StMa,Alice Heely,bu.12.12.1800,StMa)
14: John Lowe - bookseller, stationer, print and music seller, also all kinds of stamps, optical & mathematical instruments, London newspaper and extensive circulating library of upwards of 3000 volumes
15: Heaton and Duperoy - mercers and drapers
17: Joseph Batterson - cheese and butter factor
18: John Rickards - attorney
19: Francis Green - shoe maker and leather cutter
20: Thomas Wakefield - upholder
21: John Wakelin - japanner and tea urn manufacturer
22: Thomas and John Cooper - japanners, wholesale hardware & toymen
24: William Penson - peruke maker
25: William Hutton - paper warehouse//William Ballard-shoe maker
27: John Ryland - wire drawer
29: Elizabeth Cooke - silversmith
30: Jackson and Evans - jewellers and goldsmiths
31: Joseph Blunt - wholesale brazier and tin plate worker
32: John Etches - tea man and dealer in liquors Back of
33: Robert Birch - basket maker
35: John Robinson - cooper
36: Thomas Willington - hair dresser
38: William Lillyman - butcher
40: John Cope - druggist & chymist
44: Joseph Crowne - engraver, die sinker and stamper
46: John Rawlins - butcher /------ Wilkes-cheese and salt butter factor
48: Edward Wells - brazier and tin plate worker
49: Edward Durnall- b razier, tin plate worker
52: John Moor West - saddler and whip maker
53: Thomas Richards - gun maker
57: Elizabeth Wright - woolen and linen drapers
58: Elizabeth Phillips - salt warehouse
59: James Hasselden - grocer and tea dealer, wholesale and retail
61: John Earter - vitualler
62: William Lea - grocer and chandler
64: Thomas Walcott - druggist
65: Charles Taylor Esq.
67: Samuel Salt - cooper / Th. Swaine - Sheffield carrier
68: Thomas Moleworth - cabinet maker, ‘upholder’ and hosier
70: J & R Harris - confectioners and gingerbread bakers
71: Thomas Bridgeman - saddler and harness maker
72: Harwood and King - grocers and chandler
73: Cockle and Peyton - mercers drapers and haberdashers
74: Samuel Harvey - manufacturer of swords &c
75: (and 29 Dale End) Morgan and Webb-linen drapers / Charles Westley-factor
76: Myles Swinney - letter founder, bookseller, printer, stationer, stamp distributor and publisher of The Birmingham and Staffordshire Chronicle
79: Reynolds and Warner-drapers
80: Mark Jones - shoe maker
81: Thomas Greaves - clock and watch maker
82: Theophilus and Thomas Richards - silversmiths
83: Forbes Brunton, Forbes and Hunter - nursery and seedmen
84: Anna Deames - confectioner
85: John Anderton - draper
86: Martin Stilliard - Banbury lock maker and iron monger
87: William Bayliss - corn chandler and broker
88: Edward Webb - mercer and draper
95: Thomas Morgan - cheese and corn factor
96: Thomas Morgan - china and glass seller
96: Humphry Evetts - shoe maker

100: Charles Phillips - fishmonger and grocer
100: James Rollason ----
101: Thomas Carless - druggest
102: William Mobbs - hatter and hosier
103: Thomas Wight - distiller
104: Richard Brett - glover and leather seller
105: Elizabeth Hubbard - victualler
108- Joseph Arnold - maltster and victualler
109: Thomas Conway -brush maker

-: William Jones -victualler, St. George’s Market
-: John Carless - butcher, Lion & Lamb Yard
-: Benjamin Harvey -wood turner, Richard’s Yard
-: John Taylor -butcher, Rann’s Yard
-: Thomas Lucas -bookseller and auctioneer, at the Public Sale Room

--: John Edwards -Castle Inn
--: Mary Lloyd -Hen & Chickens Inn
--: Edward Hart -Swan Inn and hotel
--: Samuel Tomlinson -victualler

---: James Deag - tea dealer
---: Benjamin Mansell -tea warehouse
---: William Mewis - grocer
---: Caleb Nicholas -watch maker
---: William Peploe -fish monger
---: James Taylor -chymist and apothecary
---: George Bullin -shoe maker and leather cutter