
Resources: Hearth Tax Returns 1682 & 1683

The hearth tax was imposed from 1662 and amounted to two shillings per year. Not all hearths were liable to pay the tax, as poorer families were often, but not always, exempt. Tax avoidance also occurred, but was difficult as there was a legal right for the collectors of the tax to search homes. A note attached to the Heath Returns, below, stated that the collector found more hearths than had been declared. The tax ended in 1689, and was replaced with a property tax.

There is a project for digitising the Hearth Tax Returns which is still in its early stages, and does not yet include Birmingham, but it can be seen here.

If anything is known about the individuals named it is listed in italic in [square brackets].

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Wm [William] Butler – 1
Tho [Thomas] Smallwood – 1
Joseph Hughes – 1
John Hawkesford – 1
Tho [Thomas] Jenkins – 1
John Kendrick – 1
Tho [Thomas] Harrison – 2
Tho [Thomas] Best – 1
Timo [Timothy] Harding – 1
Edw [Edward] Mash – 2
John Hunt – 1
Edw [Edward] Hunt – 1
Tho [Thomas] Bates – 1
Wm [William] Madely – 2
Tho [Thomas] Flavell – 1
Robt [Robert] Hunt – 1
Peter Hussey – 2
Rich [Richard] Williams – 1
John Pitts – 1
John Hare – 1
Joseph Tubbs – 2
Rich [Richard] Tuckey – 1
Tho [Thomas] Burton – 1
Tho [Thomas] Harding – 2
Wm [William] Sergent – 2
Geo [George] Harding – 1
John West – 1
John Wilkes – 1
Step [Stephen] Graves – 1
Wm [William] Lench – 1
M Cole – 2
John Walker – 1
Joseph Carless – 4 [ironmonger]
Rich [Richard] Wright – 1
Rich [Richard] Dolphin – 3 [? whitesmith]
John Moss – 1
John Henn – 2
John Green – 2
Wm [William] Wright – 1
Tho [Thomas] Olives – 1
Abra [Abraham] Walton – 2
Widd Smith – 1
Job Palmer – 1
Isaac Welsh – 2
John Shackle – 1
Ralph Mash – 1
Robt [Robert] Clarke – 1
Joseph Ashford – 1
Wm [William] Burne – 3
John Hunt – 2
Abra [Abraham] White – 2
Jacob Young – 2
Tho [Thomas] Braddock – 2
Edw [Edward] Olives – 2
Wm [William] Flavell – 1
Job Palmer – 1
Abra [Abraham] Cottrell – 1
Dan [Daniel] Broughton – 1
John Perry – 2
Tho [Thomas] Elliott – 1
Edw [Edward] Witton – 1
Tho [Thomas] Dallaway – 1
Tho [Thomas] Kimberley – 2
Wm [William] Silke – 2
Jos [Joseph] Lea – 1
Mich [Michael] Barefoot – 1
Tho [Thomas] Dishford – 1
Tho [Thomas] Cowley – 1
Dan [Daniel] Robinson – 1
Wm [William] Biggs – 1
Wm [William] Babb – 1
Josiah Foster – 1
Sam [Samuel] Knight – 1
Wm [William] Safford – 1
Wm [William] Hawkes – 1
Wm [William] Southern – 5
Tho [Thomas] Cartwright – 1
Rich [Richard] Heely – 1
John Mousley – 1
Tho [Thomas] Yeates – 2
Widd Harrison – 1
John Peck – 1
Tho [Thomas] Townsend – 1
Rich [Richard] Neway – 1
Benj [Benjamin] Howes – 1
Hum [Humphrey] Dolphin – 1
Sam [Samuel] Wakefield] – 1
Edw [Edward] Wakeman – 1
Anth [Anthony] Poynton – 1
Obad [Obadiah] Orton – 1
John Parkes – 1
Edw [Edward] Insley – 1
Tho [Thomas] Bingham – 1
Rich [Richard] Colborne – 1
Moses Hartley – 2
John Hadley – 1
Paul Field – 1
Hump [Humphrey] Broughton – 2
Rich [Richard] Hunt – 1
Wm [William] King – 1
Walter Flavell – 1
Benj [Benjamin] Hawkes – 3
Edw [Edward] Allen – 1
John Bryner – 1
Hen [Henry] Bryner – 1
Wm [William] Cottrill – 1
M Bryerly – 1
Rich [Richard] Billingsley – 2
Wm [William] Hunt – 1
Sam [Samuel] Hawkes – 2
Wm [William] Ball – 1
Tho [Thomas] Hunt – 1
John Hayboard – 1
John Hunt – 1
Tho [Thomas] Flavell – 1
Joseph Hawkes – 1
Tho [Thomas] Cox – 3
Tho [Thomas] Edwards – 1
John Rotherum – 1
Edm [Edmund] Dolphin – 1 [bladesmith]
Sr [senior?] Sam [Samuel] Marrow – 1
John Cooper – 1
John Tippler – 2

Rich [Richard] Hebbard – 2

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Wm [William] Bennet – 1
Fran [Francis] Stoakey – 1
Jam [James] Haynes – 1
Richd [Richard] Wheely – 1
Jo [John] Dale – 1
Law [Lawrence] Hadley – 1
Richd [Richard] Gosling – 1
Widow Stamp – 1
John Hartill – 1
Wm [William] Bunn – 1
Joseph Hadley – 1
Tho [Thomas] Loynes – 1
Richd [Richard] Smith – 1
Richd [Richard] Mould – 1
Roger Persall – 1
Wm [William] Nightingale – 1
Rob [Robert] Stanley – 1
Nathn/Mathw Whiteby – 1
Edw [Edward] Whiteby – 1
Jacob Bragg – 1
Raphaell Blakesly – 1
Edw -Edward] Goldingale – 1
Jo [John] James - 1
Tho [Thomas] Wells - 1
John Allen - 1
John Heath – 1
John Sumerland – 1
Isaac Chairman – 1
Tho [Thomas] Horton – 1
Hen [Henry] Leake – 1
Richd [Richard] Hodkin – 1
Ann Moore – 1
Edw [Edward] Cross – 2
Sarah Allen – 1
Joseph Watton – 1
Wm [William] Kendall – 1
Joseph Colemore – 1
Tho [Thomas] Hadley jun – 1
Edm [Edmund] Dolphin – 1
Wid Wright - 1
Nath [Nathaniel] Millerd – 1
Hen [Henry] Hunt – 1
Fran [Francis] Edirson – 1
Richd [Richard] Smith – 1
Geo [George] Grandy – 1
Steph [Stephen] Colemore – 1
Tos [Thomas] Hadley senr – 2
Humph [Humphrey] Farmer – 1
Edw [Edward] Sadler – 2
Wm [William] Greasebrooke – 1
Jo. [John] Hoster – 1
Thomas Waldron – 1
Alice Piggot – 1
Tho [Thomas] Lake – 1
Jo [John] Everet – 1
Tho [Thomas] Campson - 1
Richd [Richard] Sadler - 1
Rowland Brasbridge - 1
John Dolphin – 1
‘Smiths Hearths’
Abra [Abraham] Pinckley – 1
Edw [Edward] Allen – 1
Wm [William] Wells – 1
Dan [Daniel] Blackwell – 1
Walter Flavill – 2
Wm [William] King – 1
Eliz. [Elizabeth] Moore – 2
Edm [Edmund] Dolphin – 1 [bladesmith]
Zach [Zachariah] Taylor – 1
Joseph Rotheram – 1
Tho [Thomas] Cox - 1
Tho [Thomas] Forrest – 1
Tho [Thomas] Hunt - 1
Jo [John] Ball – 1
Jo [John] Heabird – 1
Sam [Samuel] Hawkes – 1
Wm [William] Hunt – 1
Richd [Richard] Billingly – 1
Ben [Benjamin] Hawkes – 2
Hen [Henry] Brenard – 1
John Brenard – 1

The 1683 tax list for Birmingham lists both 'hearths in new houses' and 'smith's hearths'. Some streets contained only smiths. If anything is known about the individuals named it is listed in italic in [square brackets].
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Tho [Thomas] Cowley 0 1
Wm [William] Lea 0 1
Edw [Edward] Giles 0 1
Wm [William] Butler 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Smallwood 0 1
Joseph Hughes 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Bashe 0 1
Geo [George] Worley Tenn: 0 1
John Mordock [? innholder] 3 0
Wm [William] Price [? sadler] 3 0
John Rowney [? mercer] 3 0
Rowland Hall [milliner, 1689] 4 0
Edward Cranck [Swan Inn] 9 0
Phineas Taylor 0 1
Amb [Ambrose] Lea [? draper] 3 0
John Cooper 0 1
Richd [Richard] Meades  0 1
Wm [William] Guest [? maltster] 5 0
John Hare 0 1
John Pitts 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Moore 3 2
David Hussey  1 0
Wm [William] Hayes 3 0
Joseph Hartill 0 1
Joseph Tubbs 0 1
John Tubbs 0 1
John Crumpton 0 1
Peter Hussey 0 2
Rob [Robert] Hunt 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Parkes 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Singleton 0 1
John Hadley 0 1
Paul [Field] Feild 0 1
Edw [Edward] Insley 0 1
Wm [William] Smallwood 0 1
Morris Piddock 0 1
Wm [William] Piddock 0 1
John Riddle 0 1
Hen [Henry] Riddle 0 1
Richd [Richard] Burbidge  0 1
John Allwood 0 1
John Allen 0 1
Wm [William] Turner 0 2
Math [Matthew/Mathias] Muckley 0 1
Richd [Richard] Scattergood 0 1
Wm [William] Scattergood 1 0
Richd [Richard] Hunt 0 1
Humph [Humphrey] Broughton 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Jenkins 0 1
John Hawkesford 0 1
John Kenrick 0 2
Tho [Thomas] Best 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Harrison 0 2
John Titly 2 1
(Ralph Eyre) [crossed out] 0               1
Edward Hunt  0 1
John Hunt 0 1
Richd [Richard] Vinsum 0 1
Edward Marsh  0 1
Tho [Thomas] Briggens 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Burton 0 1
Wm [William] Marson 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Harding 0 2
John Howey 0 1
John Flaxman 0 1
Richd [Richard] Day 0 1
John West 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Carter 0 2
Tho [Thomas] Holloway 0 1
Richd Wakelin  0 1
Joseph Penn 0 1
Math [Matthew/Mathias] Muckle 0 1
Richd [Richard] Tuckley 0 1
Timothy Harding 0 1
John Parkes in Cars Lane 0 1
Josiah Foster 0 1
John Ashford 0 1
John Webster 0 1
Sam [Samuel] Knight 0 1
John Newin 0 1
Fran [Francis] Salford or Safford 0 1
Hezekiah Powell 1 0
Wm [William] Southerne 0 2
John Graves 1 0
Wm [William] Lench  1 2
Wm [William] Babb 2 1
John Hunt 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Southerne 0 1
John Cotterill 1 0
Wm [William] Wilkinson 1 1
Wm Lea 0 1
Mordecai Shakspear 1 0
Tho [Thomas] Girdler 0 2
Tho [Thomas] Cartwright 0 1
Wm [William] Hawkes 0 1
John Mousley 0 2
Abra [Abraham] Goston 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Elliot 0 1
Dan [Daniel] Robinson 0 1
Wm [William] Biggs  0 1
Edmond Olives 0 2
Jacob young 0 1
Rob [Robert] Eaves 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Braddock 0 3
Abra [Abraham] White Junr 0 1
Edw [Edward] Mitchell 0 1
Wm [William] Bourne 0 3
John Henn 0 2
Ralph Marsh 0 1
Rob [Robert] Clarke 0 1
John Moss 0 1
Richard Dolphin [? whitesmith] 0 3
Tho [[Thomas] Robbins 2 0
Wm [William] Hancock  2 0
Richd [Richard] Wright 0 2
Joseph Carless [ironmonger] 0 5
John Perk 0 1
Nath [Nathaniel] Moore 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Townsend 0 2
Ben [Benjamin] Hawkes 0 1
Tho [Thomas] Parkes 2 1
John Richardson 2 1
Abra [Abraham] Hartly 1 1
Tho [Thomas] Ditchford 2 1
Anth [Anthony] Poynton 0 1
Sam [Samuel] Wakeman 0 1
Richd [Richard] Heath 1 0
Obadiah Orton  1 1
Ben [Benjamin] Howes 0 1
Edward Wakeman 0 1

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