
Lost Trades Nᵒ.8: The Painted Japan Ware of Samuel Raven (c. 1774-1847)

Self portrait of Samuel Raven, c. 1816.
Held at Birmingham Museum.

Samuel Raven (c. 1774-1847) was a painter, particularly known for adorning papier mâché snuff boxes. It is thought that he worked for the japanner Henry Clay, before branching out on his own in about 1815, although the plain papier mâché boxes were probably bought from Clay. 

He seems to have been admired for his skill, as on 21 February 1820 the following article appeared in Aris's Gazette:
His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, after having personally expressed himself to S. Raven that he was highly gratified with the Segar [sic] Case lately presented to him, was pleased to command that Portraits should be taken, by the same Artist, of his Royal Highness and the late Duke of Kent; which being now finished may be seen previous to their transmission to Kensington Palace, at Mr. Cooke's, Carver and Gilder, New Street.

A box with the portrait of George IV is held at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (seen below).
George IV, c. 1822.
From the BMAG Collection.
Signed inside, see below.

Raven was also a member of the Anacreontic Society, a social club that met at the Eagle and Ball on Colmore Street, and formed in October 1793. The society took its name from the Greek poet Anacreon, who was particularly known for writing drinking songs, but also other verses. It is no surprise that notable socialite, James Bisset, was also a member, as was Theophilus Richards (who ran the grand toy-shop on High Street), Peter Wyon (a die-sinker), and Charles Jennings (a button maker). Raven painted a devise for the society, a British crown encircled in light and a ribbon bearing the inscription 'May our Friendship endure as long as the Sun'. This hung on the wall of the Eagle and Ball, until the pub (and the street it stood on) was demolished when New Street Station was built in 1846. It reportedly then moved to the Woodman on Easy Row, but has since been lost.

Other snuff boxes painted by Raven include one of the printer and japanner John Baskerville, which is a copy of a larger portrait thought to be by James Millar. The production of the snuff box perhaps coincided with the exhuming of Baskerville's body in 1829, when it was put on display for several months at a local warehouse.
The Baskerville snuff box painted
by Samuel Raven is held at BMAG.

See other boxes painted by Samuel Raven, here.

A selection of Samuel Raven boxes and some of his other painted work can also be found on Pinterest, here.

 Further Information: Samuel's brother was George Raven, a toy maker.