
Catherine Hutton's Poem on Love & a Cosy Cottage

Held at Birmingham Archive in the Hutton Collection.

A watercolour of a small cottage accompanied by a five verse poem painted and written by Catherine Hutton (1756-1846) of Birmingham.

The poem reads:

If Cupid blind I am very sure

I hope we ne’er may find a cure

For of all the youths my diamonds viewed

There’s none like you not half so good.


Tho’ you are not rich in [wealth]

You have a treasure in your self

‘Tis contentment – and your mind

Ts noble generous and kind.


What is riches but a shadow

Here today and gone tomorrow

To wish it then I’m sure you’re wiser

I hate the very name of miser.


When you see an humble cot

Like this you’ll purchase us the lot

Within its walls with health combined

Peace and happiness you’ll find.


My rhyme like all things [h]as an end

So a dream to you my youthful friend

And if this rhyme you do admire

My name to [?] “ye Gods” would set your heart on fire.